There are so many ways to give…
1. Direct donation, sign up to be a Annual Pledge Partner and donate monthly for your convenience.
2. Donate in “In Memoriam” or “In Honor Of” a special event or person.
3. The Foundation also offers free Estate Planning Services. Our partnership with consultant Bob Hoffman, provides an opportunity to create an estate plan or review one you already have in place. After seeking guidance from your Estate Planning Attorney and/or Investment Advisor, you may even want to consider an inheritance, legacy in your name or in the name of your business.
4. The Foundation also has a Grateful Patient Program you may opt to support. If you or a loved one stayed at Adventist Health Tulare and received exceptional care at our hospital, you may consider giving a donation in honor of a special caregiver who may have gone above and beyond to make the experience a great one.
5 . Mobile Medical Unit – The central valley network of Adventist Health hospitals has launched a mobile van medical unit that will be fully operational fall of 2020. This unit will go into the remote areas of our district to provide various services for those who may not have the ability to drive to a hospital. Flu shots, wellness checkups, and other services will be provided (more information to follow).
6. THF Fight against Heart and Cancer! The foundation combined our annual “Love to Wear Red” and “Proud to Wear Pink” events. The event focuses on heart disease and cancer prevention and awareness and additionally supports the cardio (coming soon) and mammography programs at the hospital.
7. Employe Emergency Fund – Designed specifcally to help fellow staff members and families of patients as they face difficult circumstances, this fund is for employees of Adventist Health Tulare and those we serve. We all face times of unexpected need in our lives. By uniting efforts this fund provides a safety net to keep our community healthy.
8. Finally, the Foundation Unrestricted Fund – this fund is what is referred as “highest and best use”. Upon a Foundation Board of Trustee vote, major equipment can be purchased for the hospital in various departments. As needs arise and during times of hospital closure or pandemics such as COVID19, the Foundation is able to step in an help with the purchase of much needed PPE, equipment, beds, state-of-the-art units, that enhance patient care.
As always, should you desire, your financial gift and support may also remain anonymous. Your personal information will remain in the strictest confidence.
Thank you for your consideration to become a supportive donor – our works are only as great as our support.
“Enhancing healthcare through the power of giving” is our 2020 motto.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.